例えば、ステンレスを素材として用いた作品『THE PRESENCE』では、鏡面が生み出すものに気付くことができるでしょう。そこには、自分と他者、現実世界と仮想世界、東と西などが表れます。鏡に映る自分、つまり他者でわかるように、それは相反するにも関わらず、ある意味で同一なのです。こうしてお互いを否定することなく相対することで、それぞれの意味を生み出すのです。
Various things and affairs are intricately intertwined in our world. Are we, who live in such a world, correctly perceiving the intricately intertwined world? Are we accepting only one aspect of it?
Let us consider the concept of love. The dictionary says, “A feeling of strong attraction to something, recognizing its value. A heart that cares for and adores. The heart that adores something as something precious.” It is not the only thing that love produces. But that is not all that love produces. Sometimes love is “a feeling that strongly pulls us away from something without recognizing its value. Hate, contempt, envy.” Sometimes love produces things that are far removed from love, such as hatred, contempt, envy, and so on.
What I am confronting is our perception that has become trapped in a monistic concept. I want to see the world that appears when we open up our closed perception.
For example, in “THE PRESENCE,” a work using stainless steel as the material, you will notice what the mirror surface creates. There, you can see yourself and others, the real world and the virtual world, East and West, and so on. As we can see in the reflection of ourselves, or others, in the mirror, they are in a sense identical, despite their opposites. Thus, relative to each other without denying each other, they create their own meanings.
The closed view of the world is not confined to everyday life. It has also had a profound impact on art history. In Western art, painting created space. Even abstract and conceptual paintings have been understood as pictorial space. But is painting only about space? It is not only letters that are painted in calligraphy. It is a painting that creates letters and space at the same time.
Through the creation of these works of art, I want to accept everything and remove the judgments that have already been given to us. I believe that by doing so, we can rethink various common sense and concepts of contemporary society and see a world full of possibilities.